Linear mixed models

What is LMM


- where Y is a vector of responses, X and Z are design matrices, β and b are vectors of fixed and random effects, respectively, and ϵ is a vector of residual errors.
- These coefficients represent the average effect of the predictor variables on the response variable across all levels of the random effects.
- Compared to Anova & Post-hoc, ANOVA does not have the random effect part:
- $$Y = X\beta + \epsilon$$

Why LLM matters

Compared to Anova & Post-hoc, it is more generalized:

Assumptions for using LLM


  • UN (Unstructured)
  • CS (Compound Symmetry):
    • all variances are equal, and all pairwise covariances are equal
  • CSH (Compound Symmetry Heterogeneous)
  • AR(1) (Autoregressive of order 1)
  • ARH(1) (Autoregressive Heterogeneous of order 1)

What to determine when using LLM